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One Chapter or One Book?

In education, we often times refer to students who dislike reading as the "One Chapter Club." They tend to only read one chapter and put the book down. They never get to the heart of the story. Are you a one chapter individual or are you brave enough to read further along?

Walk with me as I meander down the road of what chapters we all have experienced in life. . .

Iler family chooses many dirt roads to explore.

I was driving through the middle of the desert with Scott two weekends ago. Yes, it sounds like kind of an opening to a scary movie but it was actually a cleansing, calming weekend. Looking at the vastness of the desert scape, always gives me a moment to pause and evaluate where I am mentally.

A song came on the radio, and I laughed, saying "I remember that from the seventh grade when I had my first real crush."

Scott replied “I remember that song from when I was graduating from high school.” Then we went down memory lane and started to reminisce about different life chapters.

Another song came on the radio and it brought me right back to when I was saying goodbye to a dear friend after college. Scott remembered when he was teaching in a one room schoolhouse in Kernville. (Yes, he literally did teach in a one room school house.)

Then a Willie Nelson song came on titled “On the Road Again,” the girls just thought it was a country song. Scott remembered having this song playing at his dad’s funeral service.

The power of music has the ability to transport us in time and recall such vivid memories and emotions. As I thought about this, I also thought about these moments or “chapters.”

May you find peace in each chapter of your life.

It would be sad to hear multiple songs, and only think of the same place, same people, same occupation your entire life. Each one of our journeys was meant to have ups and downs and also have beginnings and endings.

How many of us have been wanting to close a chapter or begin a chapter? If I wouldn’t have had the courage to say “Yes” or “No” to different life events, I would not be where I am today.

I also would not have the empathy that I feel I continue to hone for others if I hadn’t made mistakes along the way.

  • Going to a party on a rainy April night- yes

  • Moving to Oregon- no

  • Our daughter having reconstructive jaw surgery at the age of 6- Yes

  • Furthering my career to be a school administrator- No

  • Renting a home- yes

  • Having more animals- no

  • Choosing my first job in my home town- yes

  • Starting a business venture- yes

Some of these choices were positive, and some were negative. Some, I have still not finished the chapter. . . However, they all added a definite chapter to my life.

Attending that party on a rainy night. . . I met Scott.

Not Moving to Oregon. . we found our forever home right here in our hometown.

Starting a Business venture. . . still discovering the opportunities that lie ahead.

So, as I continue to learn about the people I hold dear to my heart, I am fascinated about the moments that brought about change in their hearts.

I truly hope that the next time you hear a favorite song, it transports you to a different chapter or time in your life. If you find that it is the same experience now that you felt 10 years ago, maybe it’s time to add a new segment into your story.

Remember, the greatest novels were not one chapter, some consisted of decades of chapters, some consisted of trilogies, and some were never finished. Write your story. . .

Iler Woods Journey is just beginning. . .

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,

Then they seem improbable,
And then,
When we summon the will,
They soon become inevitable.”
-Christopher Reeve

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Laura Fata
Laura Fata
Feb 18, 2022

Music always brings back so many memories…

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