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All you need is love. . . and a lot of commitment

Owners of Iler Woods- Scott and Erin Iler

The Beatles song popped into my head, since Valentine’s has been circling around in our house.

A portion of the lyrics goes like this. . .

"Nothing you can make that can't be made

No one you can save that can't be saved

Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time

It's easy

All you need is love"

Ahh, John Lennon, it would be so simple if people followed these simple statements.

And the thought came into my mind, is love all you need?

Well over the years, I have found that love and passion is one part of the equation and the other huge part of the equation is commitment.

Commitment to your partner, commitment to yourself, commitment to what values you hold true in your work, and the list goes on.

I do wonder if the state of LOVE fizzles so quickly these days in our world because we aren’t focused on what the word or emotion truly means.

I of course went to good ol’ Google and this is what popped up in the search engine.

The first definition I found was an intense feeling or deep affection.

Hmm, well I thought that might be more infatuation.

The second definition I found was like or enjoy much.

Yes, that seems like a hobby or favorite pastime.

Then I actually went to a dictionary website.

The third definition in the Merriam Webster was to hold dear, cherish, to thrive in. . .

And this is the definition that resonated with me.

You see Love or the state of being in love is different for everyone. But I truly think that if Love will sustain over the years, there is respect, acknowledgment of how precious something or someone is, and that as time goes on, even as changes are made around you, this LOVE can thrive.

I think that is why Scott and I have this infinite draw to vintage items, repurposing items in our home, and hearing the stories of our grandparents.

When you talk to someone who has been on this Earth for quite some time, you hear the struggles they have gone through and how they have persevered. I love hearing the stories of my grandparents and great grandparents.

Still enjoying the little things- a corn maze in Autumn

I don’t think Love gets old if you put in the commitment. But it isn’t always going to be something that gives you immediate gratification.

After 19 years of Scott and I being together we know that there are times when it is a lot of work and not so much play. Like when the girls were babies, whoo, that was a lot of work!

Like when we started Iler Woods, that was a lot of work and we had maybe 10 followers. We consistently were trying to show our passion for sustainable living and handmade craftsmanship.

Like when we have made personal commitments to better ourselves, maintaining who we are as individuals and sticking to our goals, that can sometimes be a lot of commitment without a lot of acknowledgment. Those exercise plans can be brutal in the beginning!

But then there are moments when there is that extreme euphoria. That intense feeling, that moment of feeling giddy and such gratitude.

I felt it this past weekend when I saw Iler Woods' charcuterie boards on the Grammy awards! I was the one jumping up and down, I was the one skipping around the house, and showing this extreme excitement. It wasn’t about the physical part of seeing a product on TV. It was the meaning behind the boards.

Scott was modest with his emotions; but his time and commitment to make quality wood products is finally receiving the recognition he so deserves! His focus on making hand made items, not trying to compete with large corporations, and focusing on our mission has been front and center.

Scott Iler displays proud craftsmanship of 126 boards for the 2023 Grammy Awards.

He even thought about how his Grandpa would design these unique boards when he was first asked to create the 126 charcuterie boards. That passion for woodworking was so evident this past week. His LOVE for creating has lasted and is evident in all the products he creates.

And, now for LOVE in relationships, I am excited for Valentine’s Day. But it’s different for me now. I LOVE to surprise the people in my life that truly make a difference each day in my life by the simplest acts of kindness. Smiles, a text message, a simple thank you is all I need these days. Having time with the ones I hold dear is what truly matters to me.

However. . .

I mean, I wouldn't mind a little surprise on February 14. . . . so maybe drop a message to Mr. Iler.

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Feb 09, 2023

Scott and Erin,

I so look forward to your posts, but this last one was over the Moon! I'm thrilled for you all and this most recent accomplishment of Scott's craftsmanship being on display at the Grammy's. Congratulations to you all!


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